Usage of /me

You must use and understand the usage of /me's on our server as they are a pivotal part of roleplaying.

/me commands are used to describe actions that your character can not do. They can show facial expressions, body status such as injuries. /me is not used for signifying thinking or talking. (Unless you have an approved mute character.) You may not lie in a /me. If you are caught not complying with /me commands you will be subject to breaking the Fail RP rule, even if it self incriminates. When using /me it will show up on your body, as well as in the chat box. In the chat box it would look like for example: /me smiles Name smiles

Examples of /me's used in medical scenarios: Downed by burning example: EMS- /me checks patient for visible injuries You- /me has burns to their left arm and face Downed by gunshot wound example: EMS- /me checks patient for visible injuries You- /me has multiple bullet wounds on the left arm Down by car accident example: EMS- /me checks for injuries You- /me has a broken right wrist, and road rash across body Obviously you can be way more in depth with your /me's, but these are the bare minimums you need to understand when it comes to EMS roleplay. They'll check you over to see what is wrong, you explain to them the things that you obviously wouldn't know right off hand, but that you want to roleplay out. They're not going to force you into injuries, but it needs to make sense for the injury you inflicted.

Examples of /me's used for facial expressions, or actions you can't physically do: /me looks puzzled/tilts head confused/raises eyebrow /me takes ring off finger and slams it on table /me pulls joint out of pocket and lights it /me smiles and nods in agreeance Like we mentioned above, be as complex as you would like. /me's truly do enhance roleplay and give people around you an idea of how a mood could shift, or explain with facial expression how your character is feeling during that scenario!

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